Essential Steps for Installing Your Salon Suite Equipment

Proper installation of salon equipment is crucial for creating a functional and aesthetically pleasing space. From styling chairs to shampoo stations, each element plays a role in the success of your salon. In this guide, we will walk you through the essential steps to ensure a smooth installation process. Also, we'll emphasize the importance of hiring professionals like plumbers and electricians to guarantee safety and efficiency.
Schedule Your Delivery
The very first thing in the installation process might be the most important. You are probably waiting for one or more large orders to arrive that contain all of your equipment and furniture. The arrival of these items is vital to your business since you most likely have a projected opening date that you need to be ready for.
The first thing you should check is if the company that you ordered from has a delivery guide. They should be able to tell you a projected delivery date and how to schedule the drop-off. Unlike smaller items, this type of delivery will most likely need to be scheduled. These items are usually large and heavy, so someone will have to receive them right from the delivery truck. The delivery service typically will not leave these items at the address without you there. Make sure you know how to schedule your delivery to ensure it arrives on time. If you run into any issues, the best thing to do is to contact the company you ordered from.
Create a Detailed Plan
Before you start installing any equipment, develop a comprehensive layout plan for your salon suite. Consider the placement of styling stations, shampoo bowls, and other essential equipment. This plan will serve as a roadmap for the installation process, helping you avoid common pitfalls. Most likely, you won’t have options as to where your plumbing or light fixtures are located, so planning around these things will save you time.
Your salon suite may come partially furnished. Each suite might come with a styling station that you will need to build around. This is important while you are laying out your furniture. You want your suite to make sense while saving space. Consider how far your clients will have to walk from the shampoo station to the styling station. You want this to be as convenient as possible. Make sure your plan ensures safety and ease for clients of all sizes and capabilities.
Hire a Professional Plumber
Now that you have chosen your sink, backwash unit, or pedicure spa you will need to properly install it into your suite. Plumbing is a critical aspect of your salon since many services can’t be performed without it. We encourage you to use a professional versus trying to do this yourself. Hire a licensed plumber to install and connect water lines, drainage systems, and other plumbing fixtures. A professional plumber will ensure that your salon meets local building codes and safety standards. You will have ease of mind using a licensed plumber because you will know it is done right, so you can just focus on your clients.
When hiring a professional plumber, you will want to do a bit of research as to whom to choose. Talk to the other salon suite owners around you and find out who they hired. If you choose someone online, just make sure you confirm the specifics of your equipment since it is not a common plumbing request. Spending a little time researching who to hire will save you time and money in the long run.
Another thing to note is that you will need to give yourself some time to schedule this installation before you open. We do not recommend waiting until the week you plan to open to have this done. Give yourself a few weeks or months to ensure that you can find a plumber in time and that it is all working properly.
Furniture Assembly
Now for the fun part: putting all of your gorgeous furniture together! Odds are you have a ton of boxes and pieces in your salon that need to be assembled. Depending on where you purchased your furniture, you may be able to assemble your furniture yourself with simple instructions. If you find that you have equipment with extensive parts and procedures, you may want to consider hiring a professional to put it together. Many of these pieces of furniture can be heavy and awkward to deal with for you on your own. Hire a local handyman to ensure that each piece is properly screwed in. This also lowers your safety risk for clients. The last thing you need to worry about is a client sitting in your styling chair and having it fall apart.
We do highly recommend hiring a professional at least for the electrical elements. If you have a dryer chair, steamer, or color processor, you should have an electrician or handyman who has dealt with this sort of equipment before.
As mentioned earlier, try asking your surround suite owners whom they used to put their equipment together. Ensure that you leave enough time before opening to get this done properly. We highly recommend this route for setting up to make sure it is safe for all of your clients and works properly.
Decoration and Accessories
Now it's time to make the space your own! Take time to hang mirrors and art on the wall, place waste baskets where necessary, set up your retail display and stock your drawers. You can also use this time to ensure that your point-of-sale system is working correctly to receive payments.
Testing, Inspections, and Saftey Assurances
Once the installation is complete, thorough testing of all equipment is essential to ensure proper functionality. Some salon suites will require you to schedule an appointment with the property owner to make sure it meets all safety regulations. Take time to try each piece of equipment as you would normally use it on a client. Ensure that your chairs can hold weight, rotate, and recline if necessary. Make sure your heating components reach the correct temperature, and ensure that your water elements have the correct pressure and temperature controls. Taking extra time to test your equipment will keep you and your clients safe.
Depending on the size of the project, you may have a General Contractor who is building out the salon. You may need the help of the GC to complete some of the work. Especially mounting stations, and shampoo units. They also may need to have their electrician make sure everything is ready ahead of time. Most of the units that we have aren’t “hardwired” but you still need to have power in the right places. Some stations even have built-in plugs that will need to be wired after the station is installed. Planning for electrical, plumbing, and construction aspects are all important for the installation.
Setting up a salon suite involves careful planning and collaboration with professionals. By hiring a licensed plumber and handyman, you can ensure that your salon meets safety standards and operates efficiently. With attention to detail and a focus on quality, your salon suite will provide a comfortable and stylish space for both stylists and clients alike.